Sunday, April 25, 2010


mimpi itu indah


Friday, April 23, 2010


~[] current sense of mood - empty []~





think +ve n dun give up!!!
farhan...anda perlu kuat~!

jom² fyp



Thursday, April 22, 2010

good news!


graph da leh generate yey~~kredit to aril yeah2... mcm byk lg kne wat neh...adoyaiii

mood: 'fyp'ing sambil dgr lagu bru kt blog dye... ;)

♫~♪ ♫~♪ ♫~♪ ♫~♪


♫~♪ ♫~♪ ♫~♪ ♫~♪

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

saat hujan turun


development of conditional complexity flow graph tool

development of conditional complexity flow graph tool

development of conditional complexity flow graph tool

aha amek mood nk wat fyp...
+ hujan di pagi hari...
best klu tido blk...haha

kenapa sy rindu rumah sy????



"wanna shoot me?
so shoot me right into my heart.." :p



Sunday, April 18, 2010

lg² ahad

[selamat hari ahad]

ahad...hmmm...mcm bukan hari ahad nk wat ari neh~~
agak kecewa ngan keputusan epl...chelsea kalah =.="...
fan mu kompom sangat hepi mng pulak tuuu....

pg2 ni pe lg nk wat...baca berita je la...
takziah buat keluarga achik spin...semoga rohnya dicucuri


Saturday, April 17, 2010


datacomm project?

buzz (dari ym) from teammate tidak dibalas coz away from computer
few minutes later ting2 (bunyi mesej)
tgk2 msj baru perasan woooh~~~| projek datacomm...
tye da ade tajok ke blom?toing2 xde lg...haa elok sabtu da nk kne submit

projek datacomm ni agak simple gak muvie yg ada kaitan ngan data communication and networking...pastu ape yg relate ngan datacomm...tanpa membuang tya pendapat then terap bg 1 tajok ni...penjenayah internet yg kejam...penah tgk SAW I, II, III, IV?haa lebey kurang aa cume dye gune internet sbg medium menjalankan kegiatan jenayah dye tuh...makin ramai org hit website dye n view video mangsa, makin bahaya nyawa mangsa tersebut sampai la mangsa tersebut mati...nk tao cite ni camne tgk la ea....
UNTRACEABLE (2008)...haa...pastu terus wat review pasal muvie neh...bleh tgk hasil review kt bwh ni...

There have FBI agents who are dedicated to investigate criminals on the internet. 2 special agents Jennifer Marsh and Griffin Dowd have been assigned to do investigate and take legal action to solve the current situation that involve a internet criminal serial killer which display a video murders on his own website "". The fate of each victim on the video depends on how many users hit the website. The more hits his site gets, the faster his victims die. March and her team have a job to race against the clock to track down this criminal who is untraceable. The FBI uses the technology to track down the webmaster criminal and finally they found it. The webmaster criminal, Owen Reilly finally was shot by Marsh and the video appear at his website while Marsh telling the statement “a genius died today” in the website chat room.


Friday, April 16, 2010

wish all da best

~ ~ G U D L U C K ~ ~

those who will sitting for final exam...good luck ea...




~ ~ ~ ✹✹ ~ ~ ~

~mood exam~

~mood fyp~

~mood exam~

~mood fyp~

~mood exam~

~mood fyp~

~mood exam~

no dota at d moment plz...
really miss sum1...(✖╭╮✖)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

mood n mood!!

~~~~keep it up!cheer up!~~~~
yeah~~~ d^_^b

to wink2 gud luck ea final ur best... (^_*)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


....AA ....

menghiasi hari-hariku
menerangi kegelapan
membangkitkan semangat utk terus hidup

ketenangan saat melihatmu
kaku saat bicara denganmu

ingin membantah semua rasa itu
namun....apalah daya xmampu

xkn pernah mampu

♪~♫ "selama aku masih bisa bernafas, masih sanggup berjalan
ku kan selalu memujamu"

~ ~ ❍ ❍ ~ ~

Monday, April 12, 2010

-monday blues-

~~happy monday~~


mode: ber'fyp'

pelangi indah dimatamu...ceewaahh...hmmm....sum1 send me this pix yesterday...
chanteekk kn pelangi nieee....tenks there...xD


Saturday, April 10, 2010


weekend wink2 ^_^

weekend xde pe yg best pn...fyp makes me blur *_*
today is sabtuday~~aha...i think my best weekend part juz now...spent time 4 sms n call d 1 who i care of...wink2...coz its really make me feel happy...


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

in progress*


fyp still in progress...gogo hanz...xD

waaa...yesterday i dreamt sumting that i wish dream bout...sumting that makes me smile...could it become real??huuuu hanz u r in hard situation...deep feeling bout her huh...hopefully...plz stay...u make me happy juz now...

mood : ~~happy~~


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

sleep lol

~~Sleep Time ^_^ ~~

time 2 sleep...hope it could be better day tmrw...


wowo help @@!

~im stuck~

how could i solve this kind of problem...
any1 who pro in java can help me???aha..


Monday, April 5, 2010

fyp = aaa!

~FYP Mode~


^_^ [miss hometown]

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